Monday, December 31, 2007

The Lord's Day 12/30/07

Yesterday was a very good day. I got to preach for my Pastor as he was gone visiting family for the Holiday season. I preached in both services and the response was wonderful! :-) To God be the glory!

In the morning, I preached from Mark 4 where Jesus calmed the storm. That is a great passage, because we all face storms in one form or another. The great news about storms though is that Jesus is always there for you and the storms always pass! From the passage, I hammered home the fact that "Jesus is There!" He was there before the storm hit. He was there in the midst as the storm was hitting. And He was there after the storm passed! Jesus has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. In 2008, we will face some storms and I pray that we will remember that Jesus is there and rest in His power over all things!

In the evening, I preached from Philippians 3:10! The big idea was "Knowing Christ"! That must be our passion in '08! I showed ways to know Him and then delivered the results of that passion! Ultimately, we will be like Jesus!

I trust that you had a great Lord's Day and may the time in church in this coming year be more transforming than this past year.

God Bless!

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